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at Northwood Technical College
Join Our Team
at Northwood Technical College
Shell Lake,
Posted in Other 12 days ago.
Type: full-time
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Job Description:
JJooiinn OOuurr TTeeaamm!! Exciting Opportunities Available at Northwood Tech eeaalltthh EEdduuccaattiioonn CCeenntteerr SSiimmuullaattiioonn SSppeecciiaalliiss Exciting Opportunities Available at Northwood Tech JJooiinn OOuurr TTeeaamm!! JJooiinn OOuurr TTeeaamm!! SShheellll LLaakkee HHEECC ((FFTT//LLTTEE)) HHeeaalltthh EEdduuccaattiioonn CCeenntteerr SSiimmuullaattiioonn SSppeecciiaalliisstt Exciting Opportunities Available at Northwood Tech HHeeaalltthh EEdduuccaattiioonn CCeenntteerr SSiimmuullaattiioonn SSppeecciiaalliisstt in simulators and related technology SShheellll LLaakkee HHEECC ((FFTT//LLTTEE)) Maintain, troubleshoot, and conduct preventative maintenance and repairs in simulators and related technology, for a limited term from Maintain, troubleshoot, and conduct preventative maintenance and repairs in simulators and related technology, for a limited term from SSttuuddeenntt FFiinnaannccee MMaannaaggeerr ((BBuurrssaarr)) SShheellll LLaakkee HHEECC ((FFTT//LLTTEE)) January 2025 to May 2025. January 2025 to May 2025. SSttuuddeenntt FFiinnaannccee MMaannaaggeerr ((BBuurrssaarr)) January 2025 to May 2025. AAnnyy CCaammppuuss ((FFTT)) in Lead in the development of a comprehensive vision for assessing, SSttuuddeenntt FFiinnaannccee MMaannaaggeerr ((BBuurrssaarr)) AAnnyy CCaammppuuss ((FFTT)) collecting, and reporting student tuition, fees, and accounts receivable across the college. Lead in the development of a comprehensive vision for assessing, receivable across the college. AAnnyy CCaammppuuss ((FFTT)) collecting, and reporting student tuition, fees, and accounts LLeeaarrnn mmoorree aanndd aappppllyy oonnlliinnee aatt:: LLeeaarrnn mmoorree aanndd aappppllyy oonnlliinnee aatt:: receivable across the college. LLeeaarrnn mmoorree aanndd aappppllyy oonnlliinnee aatt:: Northwood Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Afrmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator Northwood Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Afrmative Northwood Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Afrmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator TTY 711 TTY 711 recblid 3scq4o1hrf3otszj2n0x555egjva5s
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