The College of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts, Texas A&M University, invites applications for one (1) full-time Tenured Professor or Tenured Associate Professor (depending on qualifications and tenure review upon hire), or Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in visual computing with a focus on Computer Graphics, with a nine-month academic appointment beginning Fall 2025. While applications from candidates at all ranks will be considered, priority will be given to senior faculty members with a strong research record who can take a leadership position. The position resides in the Colleges Visual Computing & Computational Media faculty Section. We are especially interested in candidates with expertise in the following areas:
Computer Graphics and Animation
Visual Effects and Content Creation
Generative AI for Graphics
Successful applicants at any rank are expected to establish and maintain an independent research program, demonstrating the ability to sustainextramural partnerships and projects, teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, advise and mentor graduate students, participate in all aspects of the Colleges activities, and serve the professional community.
A PhD in a related field is required. Strong written and verbal communication skills are required as is an enthusiasm for exploring concepts, solving problems and collaborating across the range of artistic, technical, and humanistic disciplines represented in the College.
Senior candidates should have a demonstrated record of scholarly research, demonstrated track record of extramural funding or industry partnerships, participation in multidisciplinary research and/or creative activities, university teaching experience, student mentorship, and academic service, and Junior candidates should demonstrate the potential to develop a strong record in these areas.