Blog Posts

How To Choose An Employer That Has Your Best Interests At Heart And Fulfils All Aspects Of DEI

There are certain attributes that you have to look for in an employer when you have a disability. This can be beyond the ability to gain access to the work site and can include additional technology that the employer may not have installed or even be aware of as necessary.

Of course, with the business world finally starting to catch up with the true diversity of their workforce, you will find that there is more of an effort being made.

Alternative working conditions

With modern working methods now being very much embraced by some bosses, you will find that you can perform some jobs from home. This can mean that you are wor...

...continued (How To Choose An Employer That Has Your Best Interests At Heart And Fulfils All Aspects Of DEI)

Navigating the Job Search as a Person with a Disability: Effective Strategies

For individuals with disabilities, searching for a new job that resonates with them can present some additional challenges. This could include encouraging accessibility issues or facing unconscious biases.


So, when approaching your job search, it's essential to use the tools and tactics at your disposal to overcome these hurdles. Read on for some practical strategies to empower you on your job search journey. We hope they can help you to find a position that not only sets your soul on fire, but that accommodates your personal needs and celebrates your unique talents and skills.



...continued (Navigating the Job Search as a Person with a Disability: Effective Strategies)

The Benefits of Hiring Individuals with Disabilities


Alt. tag: A woman in a wheelchair talking to her coworker

Inclusivity in the workplace is not only a matter of social responsibility but also a strategic advantage. Hiring individuals with disabilities offers a range of benefits, from enhancing the diversity of skills to fostering a culture of innovation. This article explores the many benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities, emphasizing how their unique perspectives can significantly contribute to a business's success. By integrating individuals with diverse abilities, companies unlock potential and drive forward with a stronger, more adaptable team. We will de...

...continued (The Benefits of Hiring Individuals with Disabilities)

Beyond the Ramp: Redefining Urban Accessibility Through Universal Design

Urban accessibility refers to the ease with which all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can navigate a city. Access to its features, such as health services, access to food outlets, and comfortable workspaces, is of the utmost importance. 

...continued (Beyond the Ramp: Redefining Urban Accessibility Through Universal Design)

Tech for Independence: Exploring Assistive Robotics and Wearable Devices

Assistive technology is vital in enhancing the independence and quality of life of people with disabilities.

By using assistive robotics and wearable devices, people with various impairments can perform daily tasks more easily. Participating in

...continued (Tech for Independence: Exploring Assistive Robotics and Wearable Devices)