How Businesses Can Support Disabled Workers in Columbus, OH More Effectively

Running a business can be a complicated venture, no matter the size of the company. There are a thousand tasks that have to be completed, and the responsibility for completing them often falls on your shoulders. Plus, the way consumers relate to brands is constantly changing.

In today’s business world, inclusion and equality are important principles. Not only can diversity enrich the culture of a company, but it also appeals to consumers that want to see that the brands they care about are promoting strong values.

One group that has often encountered challenges operating in the business world is the disabled population. Individuals who are dealing with visual/hearing impairments, a lack of mobility, neural/cognitive issues, or speech challenges are often left behind by employers. Even those that are hired may be subject to a less-than-ideal work situation due to a lack of accommodations. If you want your Columbus, OH, business to support individuals with disabilities in the workplace more effectively, here are a few ideas.

Invest in High-Quality Disability Insurance

Not all disabilities are present from the outset. Some may result due to severe injuries or illnesses. In these cases, many disabled workers rely on insurance payments for the time that they are out of work. However, insurance companies often delay payments or try to stiff victims with lower amounts than they deserve. This leaves many with few options to stay afloat, often resorting to working with an ERISA disability lawyer to rectify the situation. Investing in stronger disability insurance with a reliable carrier can help reduce the chances that your workers encounter issues with payments when they have to miss work, which creates a more inclusive environment within your company.

Incorporate the Latest Technologies

Individuals with disabilities may be facing a wide range of challenges in the workplace. Perhaps they are unable to contribute to meetings because they cannot experience a presentation fully, or they have to take frequent breaks from typing because of a physical impairment. New technologies can support employment opportunities for disabled individuals if your organization is willing to adopt them. For example, ergonomic keyboards and mouses can make computer work much easier for physically disabled workers. Hearing and visual aids can make presentations accessible for all. Even mobility aids like scooters, wheelchairs, or canes can make life a little bit easier in the workplace.

Provide Company Training on Disability Etiquette

Even if you provide work opportunities and accessibility technologies to individuals with disabilities at your company in Columbus, OH, this does not guarantee an equal environment for them. The rest of your staff needs to be on board with the company values as well. Providing internal training for all your employees to discuss disability etiquette and inform them about any biases that may be present can help make the whole team more welcoming. The key is to focus on what your workers can do versus what they cannot do. They should be treated the same way as everyone else o the team, just with some extra accommodations in place to make their work experience easier.

Gather Employee Input

Even if you have a disability yourself, you do not understand the experiences of others with varying disabilities. The best way to learn how to support these workers is to hear from them. Set up systems in the organization to listen to feedback from these individuals about how their work experiences are set. Could improvements be made to accessibility? Do they feel that they are at a disadvantage because of the company structure in some way? Could communication be improved with disabled workers? If your goal is to accommodate disabled individuals, then you need to hear directly from them about how to improve as an organization.

Create an Accessible Hiring Process

The first step to creating an inclusive environment for disabled individuals is to make sure they are part of the team. This means bringing them in for their talent. Make sure job descriptions feature inclusive language. Include a statement about encouraging workers with disabilities to apply. Make online documents compatible with screen reading programs. Post job opportunities in places where disabled individuals can interact with them. A more accessible recruitment process will lead to more talented individuals applying to your open positions.

Be Proactive Rather Than Reactive

Many Columbus-based companies in the past and even today have taken a reactive approach to accommodating persons with disabilities. They wait for an issue to arise and then address it. However, this is not the most effective way to attract talented individuals to your company. Proactively improving your brand from within in terms of accessibility and welcoming culture is a far more effective strategy for creating an inclusive company that can support workers with disabilities. Take some of the steps listed above to foster a positive environment for all workers.