AAAA EMPLOYMENT CODE for your protection The Classified department of the Daily News maintains Standards of Advertising acceptability under which "Employment Opportunities" advertisements are reviewed. It is the policy of the Daily News "Employment Opportunites" advertisementsto conform to the following standards: 1. All advertised statements must be accurate and not designed to mislead the reader. 2. Each advertisement must clearly indicate the type of employment offered. 3. Employment agencies advertising in the "Employment Opportunities" columns must conform to the policies of the Daily News and clearly state that they are an employment agency and indicate if the job is "free" or "fee". Any employment agency that refers job applicants to a training program or school that requires a fee must state "unqualified job applicants will be referred to a school, possible fee charged". 4. Advertisements for sales positions must clearly state the type of product or service to be sold. Specific earnings amounts in sales advertisments may be stated if qualified by type of remuneration, such as salary, salary and commission, or commission. Earnings claims must be accurate and substantiated upon request. 5 Employment advertising for positions which require a training fee, the purchasing of inventory, sales kits, or any deposit, fee or cost to the applicant of any kind, must clearly state the specific requirement. It is the advertiser's responsibility to be aware of the Federal, State and Local Laws and Regulations pertaining to employment. The Daily News limits the use of its "Employment Opportunities" columns to those advertisers who abide by conditions of this code. The Daily News urges its readers to report any advertisement which in the reader's mind violates any part of the Daily News Employment Code to: DAILY NEWS Recruitment Advertising Department 888.834.7355 recblid e11m14fjq7oie62y92ebipzj9r9mqf