ARD Logistics - Alabama, LLC is seeking applicants for the below job opportunity: Job Title: Continuous Improvement Manager Location: 10093 Brose Drive Vance, Al 35490 Basic Functions: The Continuous Improve- ment Manager is responsible for managing and leading continuous improvement initiatives in all areas of operations utilizing Lean Manufacturing principles with a focus on Safety. Requirements: The minimum requirements for this position are a bachelors degree in industrial engineering or a closely related field, and 5 years experience in Project Management, process improvement, or a related Continuous Improvement/Industrial engineering position. We are looking for candidates with strong project management skills, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Kaizen knowledge. Proficiency in Microsoft Suite, Visio, PowerBI, Access database, Flex Sim, SQL, and Phyton. To apply: Visit ard-logistics/ dthomas@ recblid 6enp53i6mifjld6qh0udtshp8td0nv