Posted in Other 23 days ago.
Kenyon College, a highly selective, nationally ranked liberal arts college in central Ohio, invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor (VAP) in Religious Studies with a specialization in Islam as a sabbatical replacement. We seek a broadly trained scholar of religion who can teach Islam in a range of historical and geographic contexts engaging with material culture, textual analysis, and/or ethnography. The teaching load is five courses over two semesters (2/3 or 3/2). This includes one section of our department's introduction to religion course (Encountering Religion in a Global Context) and four other introductory survey and advanced seminar courses in Islam or related areas according to the candidate's expertise. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to excellent teaching, including the use of inclusive pedagogies, along with strong mentoring and academic support of diverse student populations.
The term of appointment will be July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree by the time of appointment or be in advanced ABD status. A complete application will include: 1) A 2-page cover letter detailing teaching experience and teaching philosophy, as well as a description of scholarly work and research trajectory; 2) A curriculum vitae; 3) an unofficial transcript; 4) Contact information for three recommenders. Letters of reference will be requested from the top 25 candidates. Review of applications will begin December 1st and will continue until the position is filled. We expect to conduct preliminary virtual interviews in January and conduct campus interviews in February. Please contact Dr. Krista Dalton, chair of the search committee, with any questions at
To apply, candidates should visit the online application site found at
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