Provide guidance regarding Bitbucket Folder Structure, Jenkins Automation, etc.
Build, test and deploy ECS/Fargate containers
Coordinate with our Application developers how their Docker API Images should be injected onto ECS/Fargate containers.
Build, test and deployment of our Lambdas, S3 Buckets, NLBs, R53/ALBs, AuroraDB and DynamoDB (NOSQL).
Spilt up to work in parallel on the build out environments (i.e. DEV, QA1, TDP1 and PROD) -OR- work on different resources (e.g. S3, ECS/Fargate) in parallel for a given environment.
Following are the tools that we are looking into- Jenkins, Gitlab, Gradle, Maven, Artifactory/Nexus, AWS, Docker, Database Automation, Ansible, Terraform.