Safely remove metal chips, turnings, solids from machines and place them in proper containers. Verify containers are clean and ensure that differing types of materials remain separated.
Clean machines and surrounding areas thoroughly as needed to maintain safety and ensure that material mixing is minimized.
Transport materials to designated storage locations as required. Includes verifying, sorting, weighing, and moving of metal chips, solids, and chip boxes in accordance with appropriate shop and foundry procedures.
Use power forklift to safely transport materials, dies, parts, fixtures, equipment, and rough and finished castings as required to facilitate production.
Set up and operate automatic cutoff saw. Measure and record basic dimensions, and maintain quality level of saw output.
Perform general labor and housekeeping duties.
Maintain continuous communication with machine operators and team members. Communicate with supervisor throughout shift to determine work priorities.
Ability to lift, push and pull heavy loads.
Availability for overtime on short notice.
Equal Opportunity Employer, including Veterans and Individuals with DisabilitiesDrug Free Workplace
Equal employment opportunity, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.