Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East Regional Director at Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East in new orleans, Louisiana

Posted in Other 1 day ago.

Type: full-time

Job Description:

The position serves as the Regional Director for the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority - East (FPA-E) and its member districts and is responsible for overseeing all engineering, administrative, financial, information technology, operations and maintenance, and human resource functions and activities for the Authority.

The FPA-E is currently responsible for over 190 miles of levees/floodwalls, 5.4 miles of seawall, 7 flood control structures/navigational gates, 60 miles of drainage canals, 222 floodgates and nine drainage pump stations, which includes oversight of the hurricane protection system (Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Project), Mississippi River Levee system and internal levees for Orleans (East Bank), Jefferson (East Bank) and St. Bernard Parishes, as well as coastal restoration. The hurricane protection system includes over $7 billion in improvements and new construction under the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction Project (HSDRRS).

The average combined annual operating budget for the FPA-E and levee districts under its jurisdiction is approximately $45 million. The position directs the employees of SLFPAE's technology systems, operations and maintenance, finance, public information, safety, and human resource management functions.

To apply for this vacancy, click on the "Apply" link above and complete an electronic application, which can be used for this vacancy as well as future job opportunities. Applicants are responsible for checking the status of their application to determine where they are in the recruitment process. Further status message information is located under the Information section of the Current Job Opportunities page.

*Resumes WILL NOT be accepted in lieu of completed education and experience sections on your application. Applications may be rejected if incomplete. *

For further information about this vacancy contact:

Kenyetta Sewell
Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East
504 286-3158

Minimum Qualifications

General: The Regional Director shall:
(1) Reside in southeast Louisiana.
(2) Have a bachelor's degree, at a minimum, in the area of business, engineering, geology, hydrology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, renewable resources, or any similar academic field.
(3) Have a minimum of ten years senior executive experience in business, engineering or hydrology, or in the performance of public works functions, related to flood and drainage control, flood plain management, water resources, soil conservation, land surveying and mapping, disaster relief, or any related function.
(4) Have a minimum of five years of managerial or technical experience in the design, construction, operations and maintenance of civil works and industrial machinery.
(5) Have a minimum of 10 years of practical experience, in positions such as, chief operating officer or chief administrative officer in the commercial or public services sector. Experience shall come from related industry such as public works, flood protection authority or USACE.

Job Concepts


  • Lead the flood protection efforts for Jefferson (East Bank), Orleans (East Bank), and St. Bernard Parishes in accordance with oversight and direction by the FPA-E Board of Commissioners.
  • Represent the FPA-East in meetings with public and elected officials, legislators, and stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority and Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans.
  • Perform in accordance with the annual goals and objectives provided by the FPA-E Board of Commissioners with emphasis on flood protection, safety and ethical behavior.
  • Monitor local and federal stakeholder relations (funding agencies, officials and the public) to execute responsibilities efficiently and provide assurance the flood protection is technically sound and fiscally responsible.
  • Interface with the Board's Professional and administrative employees, including
    • Legal Counsel
    • Government Relations
    • Director of Engineering
    • Regional Finance Director
    • Internal Auditor
    • Superintendent of Police
    • Administrative Assistant, and other support staff supervised by the Board
  • Ensure appropriate supervision of the 200+ FPA-E employees via key directors in the Board's organizational chart. Prepare employee Continuous Performance Management plans and recommend salary actions for direct reports for Board review prior to implementation.
  • Provide all fiscal and other reports required by law and ensure completion of corrective actions resulting from external and internal audits of the agency.
  • Prepare an annual Tactical Plan including financial forecast and short-term commitments, planned expenditures and staffing requirements. Prepare a biennial long-term Strategic Plan forecasting all known possible future expenditures and expenses, the required staffing for engineering, operations and maintenance, as well as support functions staff.

  • Inform the Board of all major developments in a prompt manner.
  • Provide concise monthly reports to the Board, including key technical and operational activities and support functions.
  • Communicate with the public and news media in a professional manner.
  • Model ethical behavior.

Salary/Compensation: $170,000 - $195,000 per year

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