Marketing Specialist: Prepare promotional material and plans and follow trends to improve the company's brand and sales. Analyze the sales data and locations and assist the company in opening the new stores with market analysis. Collect and analyze data on customer preferences to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand. Measure and assess customer satisfaction. Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, or arrange to obtain existing data. Measure the effectiveness of marketing, advtg, and commn. pgrms and strategies. Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data. Provide mgmt with info and proposals concerning the promotion. Need: Master in Marketing, Communication or related fields. Wage: $59,114/yr. Jobsite: 14720 Pipeline Ave, Ste B, Chino Hills, CA 91709. recblid dzk1obyos2ejy2whrm886be7d4b321