Probationary Firefighter Hiring Notice
The City of Farmington and the Farmington Fire Department are an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
In the recruitment and selection process, equal employment opportunity is guaranteed to all persons without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, mental or physical handicap, labor affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other factors not related to merit and fitness for the position.
All applicants for the position of Probationary Firefighter must meet the following criteria:
Be a citizen of the United States of America.
Be 18 years of age at the time of application.
Be free of a felony record. A felony record shall mean having entered a plea of guilty, or otherwise having been convicted of an offense, the punishment for which could have been imprisonment in a federal or state penitentiary. The fact that an individual has received a pardon, or their record has been expunged shall not release the individual from having a felony record for the purpose of this regulation.
Be free from conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or sexual activity.
Be of good character as determined by a thorough background investigation.
Be a high school graduate or have passed the General Education Development (GED) Test indicating high school graduation level.
Be examined by a licensed physician and meet physical requirements.
Be interviewed personally, prior to employment, by the Fire Chief and/or his representatives, to determine such things as the applicant's motivation, appearance, demeanor, attitude, and ability to communicate.
Possess a valid driver's license.
Fill out the online application on the City of Farmington Website under the employment tab. Applications are due April 25th.
The test will take place on May 10th.
Applications will also be available at Farmington City Hall. 354 W. Main St.
Applications can be emailed to or dropped off at City Hall.
The starting salary: $45,459.42 without certifications or $47,732.39 if candidate has IFSTA FF1 and 2 and EMT.
FFD firefighters work a 48/96 schedule. recblid n488gvomidexlw76apo7ggfrhb72mb