The Bureau of Assessment and Accountability under the Department of Education is responsible for assessing and evaluating educational performance at the school, district, and state level. The Bureau works to develop, implement, and evaluate assessment systems and the related accountability systems, relying on a wide variety of academic and environmental indicators. The Bureau works closely with schools, districts, policymakers, and other state agencies to provide guidance and support in implementing assessments, evaluating data, and making informed decisions.
Responsibilities/Requirements: • Extensive technical expertise and experience with New Hampshire Assessment and Accountability systems
o Application of Business Rules:
? a. Provide support to Bureau of Assessment and Accountability staff and contractors in applying the accountability business rules.
? b. Provide support to Bureau of Assessment and Accountability staff and contractors in reporting accountability data.
? c. Provide support for the delivery of related data structures for the state and federal accountability systems.
? d. Assist in the data preparation for the NH statewide assessment system.
? e. Provide support for the preparation of data to be reported to the field and for internal use in multiple formats.
? f. Provide support for the manipulation of data to fulfill state and federal reporting requirements.
? g. Provide support for assuring the validity of data in the data warehouse.
? h. Eliminate manual interventions and automate all processes and testing.
o Documentation and Organization:
? a. Assist in the creation of reports to share data with school districts and stakeholders.
? b. Examine and clean data tables, databases, and file structures, including views and stored procedures, eliminate redundant and obsolete data and procedures, and maximize efficiency of processes and procedures.
? c. Provide updated, clear, and efficient routines to Bureau staff for the following: • i. Vendor data for assessment results • ii. Aggregate preliminary data for i4see reports • iii. Calculation of indicators 5 • iv. Calculation of school designations • v. All other ESSA required data elements and calculations • vi. Lookup and control tables • vii. Edfacts reporting for assessment and accountability related data • viii. iReport data processes • ix. Publicly posted disaggregated assessment data • x. Data verification routines for SASIDs • xi. School tables for vendors, including out of district, non-public, and home educated student rostering processes. • xii. Provide support for documentation of all processes, procedures, fields, tables, views related to assessment and accountability data. • xiii. Remove fields no longer used and ensure data is backed up properly.
o In-Person Requirement:
? Participate in Assessment, Accountability, and Data Management meetings (typically weekly)
? b. Participate in Bureau and Department meetings when necessary to share information.
? c. Be available 1-day per week to work in-person at the Department of Education in Concord, NH.
? d. Contractor will use state-provided equipment, including laptop and any additional state-provided equipment, as identified jointly between the Agency and the contractor.
? e. Contractor will be provided, and will use, a state-issued email address and will be provided access to MS 360 to use authorized applications such as Outlook, Teams, etc.