Posted in Other about 20 hours ago.
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturng d/b/a ARM Institute (Pittsburgh, PA) to be rspnsble for drvng biz value thru effctve dsgn, tstng, implmnttn, & review of cmplx manual & automtd fnncl & accountng systms & prcsses, incl forcstng tools, bdgtng modls, NetSuite & Salesfrce. Spcfc job dties incl: coordntng prpsl bdgtry cycl w/ CFO & Cntrllr & assistng w/ cmplnce & rprtng reqs; spprtng & enhncng biz modls, forcstng, & bdgtng tools to mntr key mtrcs, optmzng fnncl & orgnztnl prfrmnce whle cnfrmng to GAAP; maintnng Salesfrce piplne; reviewng intrnl cntrls & scrty of automtd accountng applctns to ensre cnfrmty to fed gov’t audtng stndrds & cost accountng stndrds; cllbrtng w/ Cntrllr to gthr inpt & fdbck cncrnng data modls, forcstng systms, & accountng needs; & apply undrstndng of GAAP & gnrlly accptd audtng stndrds, & mthds of systms anlyss & prncples, dsgn, & prcdrl mthds usd in modlng & forcstng. Bchelor’s in Accountng or Fnnce. CPA or eqvlnt. Resumes to
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