SR CLOUD SOFTWARE ENGINEER: St. Jude Medical, an Abbott Labs Co., in Sylmar, CA seeks qual. Sr. Cloud Software Engineer. Responsible for designing new cloud software products & processes & improving & maintaining existing products. Bachelors or foreign equiv in Comp Science, Comp Eng, Info Systems or in closely rltd comp or eng fld w/ min. 3 yrs of pro software dev or software eng in: (i) JavaScript, AngularJS, TypeScript & SQL programming languages; (ii) server-side technologies, incl Java, Spring, JPA, JMS & Web Services (SOAP & RESTful); (iii) software eng in cloud-based environments utilizing micro-services architectures & cloud computing techs (AWS, Google Cloud Platform); (iv) container techs, incl Docker or Kubernetes; (v) relational databases, incl PostgresSQL. MySQL & Oracle; & (vi) software config mgmt (SCM) tools, incl Git, BitBucket, or AccuRev. An EOE. 40 hrs/wk. $126,942 - $167,200/year. Send resumes to: Abbott Laboratories, Attn: Elvia Salazar, Willis Tower, 233 South Wacker Dr., Fl. 25, Dept. 32, Chicago, IL 60606. Refer to ad code: SJM-0027-ES. recblid 6cgmijvjfr3lkl9at821h34m0omcj0